VPAA Uniform Policy 2024-2025

Dress Code 24-25

The purpose of a school uniform policy is to encourage students to focus on learning without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming. Personal appearance shall not detract from the educational process. Students shall maintain an orderly and clean appearance at all times. When a student’s appearance at school becomes a disruptive factor, a safety hazard, or a health concern, the administration will take the appropriate steps to correct and remedy the situation. The minimum acceptable standards for student dress and grooming to be interpreted and enforced by the principal or designees at VPAA are:


VPAA Uniform Policy Slide Show


All polo shirts or polo dresses must have collars and be solid hunter green, navy blue, red, and white without logos. All shirts must be properly fitted. If a student wears a t-shirt underneath his/her shirt, it must be white or the color of the shirt being worn. Undergarments must not be visible. The length of the shirt must be long enough to stay tucked in properly. When the student raises both hands over his/her head, midriff should not be visible at any time. Performance groups/clubs/and grade levels will be given the opportunity to purchase a T-shirt to wear. Students are allowed to wear their grade level/team shirts. Students may wear college shirts on Wednesdays.


Shorts, long pants, skirts, skorts, capri pants or jumpers must be khaki or navy blue in color. All bottoms must be properly fitted and worn at the waist at all times. Tight or rolled up bottoms are not permitted. Shorts, skorts, polo dresses, skirts, and jumpers must fall no higher than 3 inches above the knee. No alterations to bottoms are acceptable (for example: if bottoms are bought with belt loops they cannot be removed). Denim material, spandex, sweatpants, skinny pants, cut offs, pants made of stretchy material, cargo pants/shorts and joggers are not permitted. White or navy blue tights/leggings can be worn only under skirts, polo dresses, or jumpers (not shorts). Bottoms that have designs on the pockets or rivets along the pockets (tan or blue jeans) are not considered dress code attire. Decorative rips, tears, holes, or faux tears are not permitted.

Jackets, Sweaters, Sweatshirts

 All outerwear must have a full length zipper or button closure. Outerwear worn during the school day must be a solid color: hunter green, navy blue, red, or white. The inside of the jacket must be the same solid as the outside of the jacket. Hoods must remain off the student’s head and may not cover or block the view of the student’s face. Jackets may not have logos, stripes, faux fur,or embellishments. Pull over hooded jackets (without zippers) and denim jackets are not permitted. A uniform shirt (with a collar visible) MUST be worn under any jacket, sweater, and sweatshirt. Jackets cannot be tied around the waist. Jackets are not to be used to cover up dress code violations.


All shoes must be closed-toe and closed-heel with a rubber sole. No high-heels, flip flops, Crocs, foam shoes, slides, sandals, or slippers.


Solid white, black, red, gray, or navy blue socks must be worn below the knee. Socks with a logo smaller than a quarter are permitted. Socks must be worn with all shoes at all times.


Sweatbands, head coverings, headbands wider than 1 inch, and bandanas may not be worn anywhere on the body at any time. Water bottles can only contain water


Makeup must not be excessive to the point where it becomes a disruptive factor. Writing on the body, tattoos, and/or body stickers, pimple patches are not permitted.


Students may wear one necklace. Chains longer than 20 inches in length are prohibited, and all chains must be worn inside of the shirt at all times. Adornments on the necklaces must be smaller than a quarter. Chokers, dog collars, spikes, or chain wallets are not permitted. Excessively long fingernails extending more than ⅝ of inch past the nail bed are not permitted. Students may wear two rings per hand and one bracelet per wrist. Regardless of the number of piercings, all earrings must be smaller than a quarter. Students may have their nose pierced, but may only wear one stud type nose ring. Hoop nose rings are not permitted. Adornments attached to the tongue, lip, or eyebrow are not permitted).

Out of Dress Code Days

Wristband required for student dress on out of dress code days.

1. Apparel shall be adequate in both length and coverage to be considered appropriate for school.

2. Bottoms shall be worn at the waist with no undergarments showing.

3. Bottoms with holes, tears, faux rips or tears, etc. may not be worn.

4. All bottoms must be properly fitted (tight clothing is not permitted). Shorts, skorts, skirts, and jumpers must fall no higher than 3 inches above the knee.

5. Spandex and pajama bottoms are not permitted.

6. Shirts or blouses shall be appropriately fastened in accord with the design of that shirt or blouse. The length shall extend beyond the waist level.

7. Clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner is prohibited.

8. Transparent or see-through tops, sleeveless, bare midriff, strapless, spaghetti straps, low-cut clothing, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage or are of a suggestive nature are prohibited; halters, backless dresses or tops, tube tops, tank tops, muscle shirts, or any clothing which may be distracting are prohibited.

9. Any articles of clothing or jewelry that could likely cause injury–such as chains, bracelets, rings, chokers with or without spikes, or studs–are prohibited. Wallet chains of any length are prohibited.

10. Shoes shall be worn at all times. Slides, slippers, sandals, and crocs are prohibited.

11. Apparel, emblems, insignias, badges, or symbols that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or any other illegal activity are prohibited.

12. Apparel or symbols which may be gang-related may not be displayed on a student’s person or in the student’s possession.

13. Gang-related tattoos, or other tattoos that may cause a substantial disruption to the educational environment as determined by the principal, are prohibited.

14. Adornments that, in the principal’s judgment could cause injury, be a safety risk or cause a disruption to the school environment may not be worn. Examples of prohibited adornments include, but are not limited to, hoops or rings attached to the nose, eyebrow, cheeks or lips.

15. The wearing on campus of hats, headbands, caps, headgear (including hoodies) or sunglasses except in conjunction with designated school-approved uniforms or at authorized athletic practices or activities is prohibited. There may be certain exceptions for medical conditions and physical education classes held outside. The principal will determine these exceptions.

16. Any method of public display (including clothing, nail polish, and other items that may be worn or carried) of an organization affiliated with controversial, obscene, or illegal activities on a person, may not be worn, if in the principal’s judgement, they may cause a substantial disruption to the school environment.

*** The above guidelines establish the acceptable standards for student dress during spirit week; however, the principal or designee has the authority to address any clothing concern that he/she feels is inappropriate, offensive, or distracting to the learning environment.

***Students out of dress code will be asked to change, or will remain in the Restorative Room for the day.


The administration retains the right to review student attire and grooming on an as-needed basis.

Any infraction of the dress and grooming policy which a teacher or administrator feels disrupts the flow of education will be addressed. Should any student choose to dress or groom inappropriately according to the school’s dress and grooming code, he/she may be required to remain out of the classroom until a parent comes to school to correct the situation. Repeated dress or grooming code violations will be considered insubordination and will be addressed through the student code of conduct.

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